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OSS provides a full range of accounting services, including specialized business consulting, tax services, and auditing services.
We offer comprehensive financial solutions tailored to your specific needs, from small and medium-sized enterprises to individual investors. Our extensive experience in auditing, financial and management consulting, investment, budgeting, and taxation ensures that you make sound financial decisions and grow your business.”
“We combine human expertise with the latest technologies to deliver personalized financial services to our clients. By utilizing the most advanced tools and systems, we provide you with accurate and timely analysis to help you make better investment decisions and manage your business efficiently.”
“Are you striving for sustainable growth for your business? We are your trusted financial partner. We provide the necessary advice to help you achieve your financial goals, whether you want to expand your business or invest in new projects.”
“We offer more than just accounting services. We provide a strategic partnership to help you achieve financial success. Our team of financial experts provides you with the support you need in all aspects of your business, from auditing to investing.”
Delivering exceptional support with accuracy, transparency, and client-focused solutions.
We listen and learn to understand your business, problems, opportunities and needs. We seek your feedback on an ongoing basis to ensure that your expectations and needs are consistent.
We communicate
Before, during and after the contract, timely and open and coordinated communication between the right people is a crucial element in the provision of effective service and builds a level of confidence that enhances your experience.
We cooperate
Collaboration has become an essential aspect of success in any industry. Working with other individuals or organizations can help you achieve your goals faster, more efficiently and innovatively. This is why we are pleased to announce.
We fulfill our promises on time, within the agreed budget, and with the highest quality. We anticipate potential problems and proactively resolve them to help you achieve your business goals.
Comprehensive legal and accounting solutions tailored to meet national and international standards.
Accounting services
- Bookkeeping
- Preparing financial statements
- Corporate financial management
- Asset management systems
- Technical solutions for accounting programs
Auditing and review services
- Auditing accounts
- Internal audit
- Certification of financial statements
- Evaluating internal control
- Forensic accounting
Business consulting services
- Feasibility studies
- Preparing and reviewing work plans
- Business evaluation
- Agreed procedures
- Financial and accounting consultations
Tax and Zakat services
- Preparing tax reports
- Zakat reports for Kuwaiti companies
Expert guidance to optimize financial and operational performance for businesses.
programs accounting for solutions
Provides advanced accounting programs that better meet the needs of companies
Bookkeeping services
It provides accurate financial data that helps businesses track their income and expenses and make informed decisions.
Preparing financial statements
It provides accurate financial data that helps businesses track their income and expenses and make informed decisions.
Corporate financial management
It provides accurate financial data that helps businesses track their income and expenses and make informed decisions.
Asset management systems
It provides accurate financial data that helps businesses track their income and expenses and make informed decisions.
Expert guidance to optimize financial and operational performance for businesses.
Feasibility studies
Provides a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and benefits of projects.
Preparing financial statements
It provides a comprehensive overview of the company›s financial position.
Agreed upon procedures
Ensures accuracy of financial records and meets stakeholder requirements.
Business Valuation
It helps in evaluating the overall health and performance of the company.